State & Local Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the State & Local terminology and jargon:



WVDEWest Virginia Department of Education
WVDFWest Virginia Division of Forestry
WVDHWest Virginia Department of Health
WVDNRWest Virginia Department Of Natural Resources
WVDNRWest Virginia Division of Natural Resources
WVDOWest Virginia Development Office
WVDPWest Virginia Dialect Project
WVGRWest Virginia Gun Rights
WVHAWest Volusia Hospital Authority
WVHDWest Virginia Health Department
WVICWest Virginia Insurance Commission
WVKYWest Virginia/ Kentucky
WVLWillow Valley Lakes
WVLEBWest Virginia Labor and Employment Board
WVLLWashingtonville, New York
WVMWashington, Virginia, and Maryland
WVMOMorgantown, West Virginia area
WVMPWest Virginia Medicaid Program
WVNAWest Virginia Nurses Association
WVNDUnited States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia
WVNHWaterville Valley, New Hampshire
WVOTISWest Virginia Office of Technology and Information Systems
WVSWest Virginia - Southern
WVSAWyoming Valley Sanitary Authority
WVTWatervliet, New York
