Management Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Management terminology and jargon:



WILMAWorld Institute for Leadership and Management in Africa
WIMWork Injury Management
WIMAWomen in Management Association
WIMCWalter Investment Management Corp
WINWater Integrity Network
WISDOMWeb Interface Supporting Delivery Order Management
WISDOMWyoming Interagency Spatial Database Online Management
WISDOMWholly Integrated Smart Digital Operations Management
WISEWorkplace Initiatives for Safer Environments
WLBWoman-Led Business
WLMWatch List Management
WLMSWindows Lifecycle Management System
WMWeight Management
WMWealth Management
WMAWildlife Management Areas
WMAWater Management Act
WMAWater Management Area
WMAAWaste Management Association of Australia
WMACWaste Management of Alameda County
WMAPWealth Management Associate Program
WMBWaste Management Board
WMBWatershed Management Board
WMBFWeight Management Building a Foundation
WMBUWaste Management business unit
WMCWellington Management Company
