Management Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Management terminology and jargon:



ACMITAsian Center for Management And Information Technology
ACMMCAces Chassis Management And Marketing Corporation
ACMOAdvisory Committee Management Office
ACMOAcquisition Career Management Office
ACMOArmy Career Management Office
ACMOAfloat Communication Management Office
ACMPAssociation of Change Management Professionals
ACMPAssociation for Change Management Professionals
ACMPAllied Configuration Management Publication
ACMPAdvanced Certificate For Management Professionals
ACMRAssessment and Care Management Review
ACMSApplication Control Management System
ACMSAcademic Catalog Management System
ACMSAll City Management Services
ACMSAdventist Church Management System
ACMSARDEX Concrete Management Systems
ACMTAsian College of Management Technology
ACMTCAdvanced Community Management Training Course
ACOEMApplied Chiropractic and Osteopathic Emergency Management
ACOMAssociation for Convention Operations Management
ACORDAgency-Company Operations Research and Development
ACRMAnesthesia Crisis Resource Management
ACTAccountability, Communication, and Tracking
ACUVAmple, Cohesive, Unique, Valuable
ACVMArnold Clark Vehicle Management
