Marketing Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Marketing terminology and jargon:



ABMAesthetic Brand Marketing
ABRSAsian Business Readership Survey
ACAAll Correspondence Answered
ACDAutomatic Contact Distributor
ACEAstounding Customer Excellence
ACGAcomplishments, Completed, and Goals
ACMDAnti-Competitive Market Distortion
ACMMCAces Chassis Management And Marketing Corporation
ACMPAdvisory Council of Marketing Practitioners
ADMAAssociation for Data-Driven Marketing & Advertising
ADMCCAdvanced Digital Marketing Certification Course
ADOSAssociate Director Of Sales
ADRAverage Daily Rate
AEAs Enclosed
AEMGAlliance Electronics Marketing Group
AEMPAdvertising Entertainment Marketing and Promotion
AEPArchitectural/Engineering Professional
AFCAverage Fixed Cost
AFHMAffirmative Fair Housing Marketing
AFMAAmerican Film Marketing Association
AFSAMAnderson Food Sales and Marketing
AFSGAvailable For Sale Goods
AGMSAvant Garde Marketing Solutions
AHCMAssociation for Healthcare Communications Marketing
