Marketing Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Marketing terminology and jargon:



AHCMAssociation for Healthcare Communications and marketing
AIMAmerican Image Marketing
AIMApartment Innovation and Marketing
AIMAAtlanta Interactive Marketing Association
AIMEAnalysis and Improvement of Marketing Effectiveness
AIMEAdvertising Innovation and Marketing Excellence
AIMIArable Industry Marketing Initiative
AIMIAlaska Internet Marketing Incorporated
AIMSAdvertising Integrated Marketing Solutions
AIMSAdvertising and Integrated Marketing Solutions
AIOAAgree Isolate Overcome Assume
AISMAssociazione Italiana Sviluppo Marketing
AKMCAnnual Kellogg Marketing Competition
ALAPAs Low As Possible
ALARAAlways Lower And Reduced Again
AMAPAccenture marketing analytics platform
AMARAl Marketing And Analytical Research
AMCAffiliate Marketing Council
AMCAdobe Marketing Cloud
AMCAAlliance of Marketing Communications Agencies
AMCIAutomotive Marketing Consultants Incorporated
AMCLAgricultural Marketing Company Limited
AMCMAssociation Motor Club Marketing
AMCPAssociation of Marketing and Communication Professionals
AMCRAsian Marketing Communication Research
