Math Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Mathematics terminology and jargon:



AQAdvanced Queuing
AQISApplied Quantitative Information Technology
ARCHAuto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity
AREMAdditional Rule Evaluation Measures
ARIMAAuto Regressive Integrated Moving Average
ARMASAchieving in Research Mathematics And Science
ARMTAlabama Reading and Mathematics Test
ARTAlgebraic Reconstruction Technique
ARTISTAssessment Resource Tools to Improve Statistical Thinking
ASAlmost Symmetrical
ASAddressing System
ASAAngle Side Angle
ASCAlmost Set Cover
ASCMAsian Symposium on Computer Mathematics
ASCMAdvanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics
ASDFAverage Square Difference Function
ASEAsymptotic Standard Error
ASFAlgebraic Specification Formalism
ASINArc Sine
ASLAlgebraic Specification Language
ASMAnalytical Solids Modelling
ASMAnthropology Science and Mathematics
ASMSAlabama School of Math and Science
ASMSAlabama School of Mathematics and Science
ASMSArkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences,
