Math Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Mathematics terminology and jargon:



VUVector Unit
VV&AVerification, Validation and Accreditation
VVFVector Valued Function
VVVVector Vector Vector
VWValue Weighted
VWDVehicle Weight and Dimensions
VXVUnordered set of two vertices (Vertex x Vertex)
VXWCross-product of vectors V and W
VXXXIVVRoman Numeral 34
VYJVroom-Yetton-Jago decision model
VZTVector ZeroTree
WACWeighted Average Constant
WACWide Angle Converter
WACGWorkshop on Applied Computational Geometry
WADMWeighted Average Distance Matrix
WAFVWeighted Average Fair Value
WALWeighted Average Life
WAMWomen And Mathematics
WAMAWalworth Academy Mathematics Association
WAMCWashington Applied Mathematics Council
WASAWealthy Adaptive Search Algorithm
WATWide Angle Tailed
WAVGWeighted Average
WAWTWeighted Average Waiting Time
