Math Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Mathematics terminology and jargon:



XLRoman Numeral 40
XLIIRoman numerals for 42
XLIXRoman numerals for 49
XLVRoman Numeral 45
XLVIRoman Numeral 46
XLVII47 in Roman numeral
XMX Midpoint
XMLEExtra-Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation
XMLEExtensible mark-up language editor
XNRX converted to a number
XNXCross- Number matriX
XORlogical eXclusive OR
XPXtra Problems
XPPX-Phase Plane
XTX Transpose
XVRoman Numeral 15
XVIRoman Numeral 16
XVIIRoman Numeral 17
XVIIIRoman Numeral 16
XXRoman Numeral 20
XX3Twenty Three
XXCXXRoman Numeral 120
XXIRoman Numeral 21
XXIIRoman Numeral 22
