News & Media Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the News & Media terminology and jargon:



WWNWaterford Whispers News
WWNSWorld Wide News Source
WWODWonderful World Of Disney
WWOHWide World of Hunting
WWOLWeather Watchers On- Line
WWOSABC's Wide World of Sports
WWPWizarding World Press
WWPWomen Writers Project
WWPWest Windsor & Plainsboro Today
WWPWorld Wide Pictures
WWQWeird World Quotes
WWQWestWard Quarterly
WWQRWalt Whitman Quarterly Review
WWRWhole Wheat Radio
WWRBWorld Wide Religious Broadcasters
WWRGWorld Wide Radio Group
WWRGWealthy Women's Resource Guide
WWRG-CWorld Wide Radio Group - Canada
WWRNWorldWide Religious News
WWROWorld Wide Radio Organization
WWRPWomen Writers Resource Project
WWRRWorld Wide Radio Renaissance
WWRVWorld Wide Radio Vision
WWRWWho's Who in the Roman World
WWSDWhat Would Sipowicz Do?
