News & Media Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the News & Media terminology and jargon:



WWSSWorking Woman's Survival Show
WWTAWhere the Wild Things Are
WWTBMWho Wants To Be a Millionaire?
WWTCWorld Wide Talent Contest
WWTSWorld Wide Tele Sports
WWUWeekly Wake Up
WWUWriters Weekly University
WWUWorking With Us
WWUBWalla Walla Union- Bulletin
WWVBStandard Time And Frequency Station, 60KHz, Fort Collins, Colorado
WWVFWorld Wide Video Festival
WWVRWorld Wide Veterans Radio
WWWWeird, Wild, and Wacky
WWWWho, What, When
WWWWho? What? Where?
WWWWhen, Where, Why
WWWWhat Went Wrong
WWWBWorld- Wide White Brotherhood
WWWNWorld Wide Wrestling News
WWWWWhat, When, Where, and Why
WWYRWriting What You Read
WXD40 Channel Mobile CB/ Weather Radio
WXDYWhat's X doing Y? Grammatical Construction
WXEXWeather EXtravaganza
WXFWolverine X- Fiction
