Meteorology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Meteorology terminology and jargon:



THITemperature Humidity Index
THPThree-Hour Rainfall Accumulation Product
THWTexas Heat Wave
TIBMTizer Basin, Montana, Hydromet station
TIGERTopologically Integrated Geographic Encoding And Reference
TIMEXThunderstorm Initiation Mobile Experiment
TINATPM Initiative of North America
TIROSTelevision Infra-Red Observation Satellite
TLAThree-Letter Acronym
TMICTheoretical Meteorologist of Indissolubility & Cosmopolitan (TMIC)
TMQ-42Hydrogen Generator
TMQ-50Meteorological Station
TMTThermo - Mechanical Treatment
TMTCATruman's Meteorological & Tropical Cyclone Agency
TMYTypical Meteorological Year
TMZTurbidity Maximum Zone
TNHTropical Northern Hemisphere
TOTotal Outburst
TOATop Of Atmosphere
TOGATropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere
TOMSTotal Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
TOPThermal Obviation Protection
TOPWTwo Ocean Plateau, Wyoming, Hydromet station
TOTETropical Ozone Transport Experiment
