Meteorology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Meteorology terminology and jargon:



WGS-84World Geodetic System 1984
WGWAWest Georgia Watershed Assessment
WHFOWhen Hell Freezes Over
WHISWind Hazard Information System
WHTMWhite Mill, Montana, Hydromet station
WHWPWestern Hemisphere Warm Pool
WIWater Ice
WIDAWeather Impact Decision Aids
WIDSWeather Information Display System
WIDSWeather Information Dissemination Service
WIMSWeather Information Management System
WIOMWorld Input- Output Model
WIRDSWeather Information Reporting and Display System
WISGWater Issues Study Group
WISHWorldwide Integrated Sensor Hydrometeorology
WISPWeather Imaging System Project
WISTWeather Information For Surface Transportation
WIST-DSSWeather Information for Surface Transportation - Decision Support System
WJWeb Journey
WKPPWoodville Karst Plain Project
WKX-41NOAA Weather Radio Station, Minnesota
WKX-83NOAA Weather Radio Station, Ft. Myers, Florida
WLWetting Layer
WLIWater-Level Indicator
