Military Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Military terminology and jargon:



WXXUArmy Airways Communications System station, Manila, Philippines, 1945
WYBWatch Your Back
WYF-1Military Standard Wife
WYGD-SMBTSA?What You Gonna Do? Send Me Back To Saudi Arabia?
WYMWebsite for Young Marines
WYPCWork Year Personnel Cost
WYRWork Year
WYRSWork Years
WYUWhat You Use
WYWMWatching You, Watching Me
WYWSWhile You Were Sleeping
WZWest Zone
WZWork Zone
WZWar Zone
WZBWar Zone Battle
WZDWeapons of Zombie Destruction
WZGWar Zone Gaming
WZIWeld Zone Inspection
WZIMWeld Zone Inspection Method
WZMWerkZeugMaschinen ( Military Mechanical Works)
WZMWork Zone Management
WZOWork Zone Operation
WZSWork Zone Safety
WZSAWork Zone Safety Awareness
