Mortgage Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Mortgage terminology and jargon:



PMCCPrudential Mortgage Capital
PMIPrivate Mortgage Insurance
PMIPremium Mortgage Insurance
PMIPrimary Mortgage Insurance
PMIMortgage Insurance
PMMSPrimary Mortgage Market Survey
PMPAProfessional Mortgage Packagers Alliance
PMRCPakistan Mortgage Refinance Company
PMSIProfessional Mortgage Solutions Inc
PMSIPreferred Mortgage Services Inc
PMSIPopular Mortgage Servicing Inc
PMSRPurchased Mortgage Servicing Right
PMSRPurchased Mortgage Servicing Rights
PNWPersonal Net Worth
POCPaid Outside of Close
POCPaid Outside of Closing
POMA Position Of Mortgage
PPIPayment Protection Insurance
PRPrime Realestate
PRAPeriodic Rate Adjustment
PRIMEPlease Remember I Mortgaged Everything
PRISMPensions Retirement Investments Savings And Mortgages
PRMIPrimary Residential Mortgage Inc
PRMIPrincipal Residential Mortgage Inc
PSPAPast Service Pension Adjustment
