Mortgage Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Mortgage terminology and jargon:



RMBSResidential Mortgage Backed Security
RMBSResidential Mortgage Backed Securities
RMBSResidential Mortgage Backed Securitisation
RMBSResidential Mortgage-Backed Security
RMCRResidential Mortgage Credit Report
RMFReverse Mortgage Funding
RMFSReverse Mortgage Finance Solutions
RMGMortgage Group
RMICRepublic Mortgage Insurance Company
RMICRepublic Mortgage Insurance Corporation
RMLAResidential Mortgage Lending Act
RMLAResidential Mortgage Loan Activity
RMMIReverse Mortgage Market Index
RMNResidential Mortgage Network
RMRPResource Mortgage Capital, Incorporated (de-listed)
RMSResidential Mortgage Services
RMVReal Market Value
ROIRate Of Interest
ROIFResearch-Oriented Investment Fund
RPPRegistered Pension Plan
RPSReal Property Solutions
RRRegistered Representative
RRIFRegistered Retirement Income Fund
RRSPRegistered Retirement Savings Plan
RTORRent To Own Refinancing
