Music Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Music terminology and jargon:



AOTBAdvent Of The Beast
AOTLAll of the Lights
AOTPArmy of the Pharaohs
AP4Audio Players 4
APABAdjustable Pulmonary Artery Band
APAMArchive of Popular American Music
APBAll Purpose Band
APCMAAboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards
APEAndy Partridge Experiments
APEAutothority Performance Engineering
APFAmerican Percussion Festival
APHFAsia Pacific Harmonica Festival
APHGAriel Pink's Haunted Graffiti
APMAsian Pop Music
APMDAll Pigs Must Die
APMEAssociation for Popular Music Education
APOArmenian Philharmonic Orchestra
APOAuckland Philharmonia Orchestra
APOAmerican Pops Orchestra
APOBAAssociated Pipe Organ Builders of America
APOLAssociation of Professional Orchestra Leaders
APPBAuckland Police Pipe Band
APTLAlnico Pro Tele Lead
APTRAlnico Pro Tele Rhythm
AQAPAs Quality As Possible
