Music Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Music terminology and jargon:



WWBBWest Wycombe Brass Band
WWBSWalla Walla Blues Society
WWBTWhen We Band Together
WWBUWorld Wide Band Union
WWCMWestern Wisconsin Chamber Music
WWEWalk With Elias
WWGWalk Way Gangstas
WWGBWonder Worker Guerilla Band
WWIMWood and Wire Indie Music
WWJWorldWide Jazz
WWJDWhat Waylon Jennings Did
WWMWhich Way Music
WWMAWalker West Music Academy
WWMCWorld Wide Music Contest
WWMTWorld's Worst Manga Translations
WWNMWhy We Need Music
WWOMWide World Of Music
WWPJWe Were Promised Jetpacks
WWQWoodWind Quintet
WWQWarsaw Wind Quintet
WWQWhich Ways Quicker
WWRWe Were Reeds
WWRFWorld Wide Rappers Federation
WWSMWest West Side Music
