Networking Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Networking terminology and jargon:



WRTWireless Transmitter
WRT/RWireless Transmitter/Receiver
WRUWireless Receiver Unit
WSWeb Service
WSWeb Socket
WSAWeb Service Addressing
WSDLWeb Services Description Language
WSDLWeb Service Definition Language
WSELWeb Service Endpoint Language
WSESIWisconsin Society of Emergency Services Instructors
WSGWWeb Service GateWay
WSHWindows Script Host
WSHWindows Scripting Host
WSHBWindows Script Host Bazaar
WSIWireless Services Integration
WSIAWeb Services for Interactive Applications
WSIDWeb Services Interoperability Demonstration
WSIFWeb Services Invocation Framework
WSIGWeb Services Implementation Guide
WSIG V1Web Services Implementation Guide, Volume 1
WSIG V2Web Services Implementation Guide, Volume 2
WSILWeb Service Inspection Language
WSITWeb Strategies Implementation Team
WSITFWeb Services Internationalization Task Force
WSLXWeb Single Login
