Networking Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Networking terminology and jargon:



WSSPWeb Service Security Policy
WSSPFWeb Service Security Policy File
WSSXWeb Service Secure eXchange
WSTFWeb Services Task Force
WSTTWeb Services Testing Tool
WSUIWeb Services User Interface
WSVRWeb Server
WSWWeb Start Wizard
WSWGWeb Services Working Group
WTCPWireless Transport Control Protocol
WTDDWideband Time Division Duplex
WTDMWideband Time Division Multiplexing
WTFWireless Telecommunications Facility
WTFCWindow Time-Space Flow Control
WTIWestern Telematic, Inc.
WTIWeb Traffic Intelligence
WTIQWeb Traffic Intelligence Quotient
WTISWireless Telecommunications Information & Services
WTLWireless Transport Layer
WTLSWireless Transport Layer Security
WTPWeb Tools Platform
WTRWeb Tools Review
WTRWireless Token Ring
WTRNWireless Token Ring Network
WTRPWireless Token Ring Protocol
