Neurology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Neurology terminology and jargon:



NABTNormal Appearing Brain Tissue
NACSNeuroscience and Cognitive Science
NAIFNeuron Actual Influence Field
NANNational Academy of Neuropsychology
NASNeonatal abstinence syndrome
NBBNeuroscience and Behavioral Biology
NBIANeurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation
NBRFNeuro Behavioural Research Foundation
NBTNeurophysiological Biomarker Toolbox
NCAMNeural Cell Adhesion Molecule
NCCUNeurosciences Critical Care Unit
NCFNeurogenesis and Cell Fate
NCLNeuronal Ceroid Lipofuscin
NCLNeuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
NCNPNational Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
NCNPNational Center for Neurology and Psychiatry
NCNSNorth Carolina Neurological Society
NCRDNeurosurgery Clinical Research Division
NCSNeurocritical Care Society
NCSNerve Conduction Studies
NCTNeurology Centre of Toronto
NCTBNeurobehavioral Core Test Battery
NCTNNeurology Clinical Trials Network
NDDNeuro Developmental Delay
NDDNeurologic Determination of Death
