Neurology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Neurology terminology and jargon:



SDDSensory discrimination disorder
SDDSpecific developmental disorders
SDNTSodium Dependent Neurotransmitter Transporter
SEFSupplementary eye fields
SGLT1Na+/glucose glucose transporter 1
SHINESpecial Help Integrating Neurological Experience
SIDPSubacute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
SIFSaccadic initiation failure
SIGNStudent Interest Group in Neurology
SLEPTSLeep Epidemiology Project at the University of Tsukuba
SMSelective Mutism
SMASpinal muscular atrophy
SMDSensory modulation disorder
SMEISevere myoclonic epilepsy of infancy
SMNSurvival Motor Neuron
SMNSurvival of motor neuron
SMNSurvival of Motor Neurons
SMSSmith–Magenis syndrome
SMSStiff man syndrome
SNOSociety for Neuro Oncology
SNOSociety for Neuro
SNRSociety for Neuronal Regulation
SODSepto-optic dysplasia
SODSuperoxide Dismutase
SONASouthern Ontario Neuroscience Association
