Non-Profit Organizations Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Non-Profit Organizations terminology and jargon:



SAPFSave A Patriot Fellowship
SAPFShenton Asia Pacific Fund
SARStichting Architecten Research (Foundation for Architects' Research)
SARAASouth African Rheumatism and Arthritis Association
SARCSyrian Association of Red Crescent
SARCSyrian Arab Red Crescent
SARISport Against Racism Ireland
SARISupport Against Racist Incidents
SARLSalem Animal Rescue League
SARPSociety for Action with Rural Poor
SARPService Association for Rural Progress
SARPSevere Asthma Research Program
SARTScottish Accountancy Research Trust
SASSupportive Australian Sisters
SASStudent Assistance Services
SASSounds Across Seas
SASShelter Assessment and Support
SASASexual Assault Survivor Advocates
SASAStudents Against Substance Abuse
SASFSave A Sato Foundation
SASHSurrey and Sussex Healthcare
SASRPSt. Andrew's Society of the River Plate
SASSStatistics and Actuarial Science Society
SAVEStudents Against Violence Everywhere
SAVESt. Clair Associated Vocational Enterprises
