Non-Profit Organizations Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Non-Profit Organizations terminology and jargon:



WRAPWorldwide Responsible Accredited Production
WRAPWaste & Resources Action Programme
WRBFWhite River Basin Foundation
WRBIWind River Bear Institute
WRCWorker Rights Consortium
WRCWomen’s Resource Centre
WRCCWomen's Resource And Crisis Centre
WREEWisconsin Real Estate Exchangors
WREEAWisconsin Real Estate Exchangors Association
WREIWomen's Research and Education Institute
WRENWorld Renewable Energy Network
WRFWorld Research Foundation
WRFWork Research Foundation
WRFWashington Research Foundation
WRFMWorld Rain Forest Movement
WRFOWater Resources Foundation Of Ohio
WRHAWashington Rural Health Association
WRHAWoodside Ranch Homeowners Association
WRIWildlife Research Institute
WRIWatershed Restoration Institute
WRIWill Rogers Institute
WRIWorld Resources Institute
WRKWiener Rotes Kreuz
WRLWildlife Rescue League
WRLFWilliamstown Rural Lands Foundation
