Non-Profit Organizations Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Non-Profit Organizations terminology and jargon:



WSSGWest Syndrome Support Group
WSSHWonderland Samoyed Safe Haven
WSSIWomen's Social Service for Israel
WSSOTWest of Scotland School Orchestra Trust
WSTAWall Street Technology Association
WSUCWestern Society For The Upliftment Of Children
WSWSWestern Society of Weed Science
WTWildlife Trust
WTAWildlife Trust Alliance
WTAWorld Transhumanist Association
WTAWashington Tour on Advocacy
WTAFWisconsin Trust Account Foundation
WTCFWorld Trade Center Foundation
WTCSNWorld Trade Center Survivors Network
WTGFWilliam T. Grant Foundation
WTIWildlife Trust of India
WTILWrap Them In Love Foundation
WTIYWorking Together for Indigenous Youth
WTMFW. T. Mercer Foundation
WTNAWildfowl Trust of North America
WTPWe The People Foundation
WTPFWe The People Foundation
WTPNWe The People Network
WTPPWestern Tobacco Prevention Project
WTPSCCWater Tower Park Senior Citizen Center
