Nuclear Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Nuclear terminology and jargon:



CNLCrocker Nuclear Laboratory
CNLSClassical Nuclear Localization Signal
CNMBCentral Nuclear Measurements Bureau
CNMTCertification in Nuclear Medicine Technology
CNNCentral Nuclear Network
CNNCChina National Nuclear Corporation
CNPPCountry Nuclear Power Profiles
CNPPChernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
CNPSCompact Nuclear Power Source
CNSConsolidated Nuclear Security
CNSConvention on Nuclear Safety
CNSCCanadian Nuclear Safety Commission
CNSGConsolidated Nuclear Steam Generator
CNSNCentro Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear
CNSNChina Nuclear Safety Network
CNSPCounter Nuclear Smuggling Program
CNTCondensed Nuclear Torpedoes
CNTACitizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness
CNTBTComprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
CNTBTComprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty
CNTICivil Nuclear Trade Initiative
CNTPCentrifugal Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
CNTRDCentre for Nuclear Technology Research and Development
CNTRDCenter for Nuclear Technology Research and Development
CODCrack Opening Displacement
