Nusring Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Nursing terminology and jargon:



ADIAutism Diagnostic Interview
ADNAssociate Degree Nursing
ADNAssociates Degree Nursing
ADNAssociates Degree in Nursing
ADNAssociate Degree in Nursing
ADNAssociate Degree of Nursing
ADNSAAssociate Degree Nursing Student Association
ADOSAutism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
AEBas evidenced by
AECAmbulatory emergency care
AECUAmbulatory Emergency Care Unit
AEJNEAustralian Electronic Journal of Nursing Education
AENAcademy of Emergency Nursing
AERDAspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease
AEVNTAcademy of Equine Veterinary Nursing Technicians
AFNAdvanced Forensic Nursing
AFNSArmed Forces Nursing Services
AGNAAlberta Gerontological Nurses Association
AGNPAdult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner
AGNSAssociation of Graduate Nursing Students
AGOTCAgnathia-otocephaly complex
AHNArmy Head Nurse
AHSAlien hand syndrome
AIMSAbnormal Involuntary Movements Scale
AIMSArthritis Impact Measurement Scale
