NYSE Symbols Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the NYSE Symbols terminology and jargon:



BORBurns International Services Corporation
BOSBoston Celtics Limited Partnership
BOWBowater, Inc.
BOXB O C Group, P. L. C.
BOYBoykin Lodging Company
BPAB P Amoco, P.L.C.
BPCBanco Comercial Portugues, S. A.
BPC PABanco Comercial Portugues, S. A., International Bank, LTD. Preferred A
BPLBuckeye Partners, L. P.
BPOBrookfield Properties Corporation
BPPBurnham Pacific Properties, Inc. (former symbol, delisted June 2002)
BPPBlackRock Credit Allocation, Inc.
BPTBritish Petroleum Prudhoe Bay Realty Trust
BQTBlackRock Investment Quality Term Trust
BRBurlington Resources, Inc.
BRCBrady Corporation
BREB R E Properties, Inc.
BRE PAB R E Properties, Inc. Preferred A
BRFBlackRock Florida Insured Municipal Fund 2008
BRGB G Group, P. L. C.
BRHCompanhia Cervejaria Brahma
BRHCCompanhia Cervejaria Brahma Class C
BRKABerkshire Hathaway, Inc., of Delaware Class A
BRKBBerkshire Hathaway, Inc., of Delaware Class B
BRLBarr Labs, Inc.

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