Observatories Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Observatories terminology and jargon:



LUOLocal Urban Observatory
MAOMain Astronomical Observatory
MAPOMartin A Pomerantz Observatory
MBOMcGill Bird Observatory
MDEOMediterranean Dialogue Earth Observatory
MGIOMount Graham International Observatory
MGOMain Geophysical Observatory
MHOMount Hopkins Observatory
MILOMarket Innovation Lab Observatory
MIPOMediterranean Investment Project Observatory
MJUOMount John University Observatory
MKOMauna Kea Observatory
MKOCNMauna Kea Observatories Communication Network (Institute for Astronomy; University of Hawaii)
MLOMauna Loa Observatory
MLOMarine Life Observatory
MLROMatera Laser Ranging Observatory
MLSOMauna Loa Solar Observatory
MOSAiCMultidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate
MOSTMolonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope
MRAOMullard Radio Astronomy Observatory
MROMagdalena Ridge Observatory
MSSOMlo And Sliding Springs Observatory
MTOMinnesota Traffic Observatory
MWOMount Wilson Observatory
MWOMount Washington Observatory

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