Ocean Science Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Ocean Science terminology and jargon:



USCUniversity of Southern California
USCGUnited States Coast Guard
USCGSUnited States Coast Guard Station
USDAUnited States Department of Agriculture
USDHHSUnited States Department of Health and Human Services
USDOEUnited States Department of Education
USDOIUnited States Department of the Interior
USDOTUnited States Department of Transportation
USFUpstream Stimulatory Factor
USFUniversity of Southern Florida
USFWSUnited States Fish and Wildlife Service
USGSUnited States Geological Survey
USIAUnited States Information Agency
USIGSUnited States Imagery and Geospatial System
USISUnited States Information Service
USMCUnited States Marine Corps
USNUnited States Navy
USNODCUnited States National Oceanographic Data Center
USNSUnited States Naval Ship
USNVUnited States Naval Vessel
USOUnidentified Sunken Object
USRDUnderwater Sound Reference Division, Naval Undersea Warfare Center
USRDUnderwater Science, Research & Development, Inc.
USRPUrban Streams Restoration Program
USRUUnderwater Search and Rescue Unit

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