Ocean Science Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Ocean Science terminology and jargon:



WACWorld Aeronautical Chart
WACLIMClimate Data Service for West Africa
WAFABWestern Australian Fisheries Advisory Board
WAFCWorld Area Forecast Center
WAFCWorld Area Forecast Centre
WAFOWave Analysis for Fatigue and Oceanography
WAFRWorld Appraisal of Fishery Resources
WAFSWorld Area Forecast System
WAFWWorld Average Fresh Water
WAFZWestern Australian Fishing Zone
WAIWest Antarctic Ice
WAISWest Antarctic Ice Sheet
WAISIWest Antarctic Ice Sheet Initiative
WALEWest Arctic Linkage Experiment
WAMWAve Model
WAMDWide Area Mating Disruption
WAMEXWest African Monsoon Experiment
WAPWater Action Plan
WAQWater Quality
WARFWAter Resources Forecasting
WARFSWater Resources Forecasting System
WARPWave Adaptive Reduction Principle
WASCWestern Administrative Support Center
WATOXWestern Atlantic Ocean Experiment
WAVWatershed Action Volunteers

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