Ocean Science Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Ocean Science terminology and jargon:



WTECWatershed Technology Electronic Catalog
WTGWave & Tide Gauge
WTNAWestern Tropical North Atlantic
WTPMWet Total Particulate Matter
WTRJWellbore Trajectory
WTRPWinchester Tidelands Restoration Project
WTWMWhere The Water Meets
WUAWeighted Usable Area
WUAWater User Association
WUCAWater Use Caution Area
WUDWater Utility Database
WUEWater- Use Efficiency
WUWWWater Use: WasteWater
WVWater Vapor
WVBTWater Vapor Brightness Temperature
WVCWater Vapor Channel
WVDWind Vector Direct
WVDAWater Vapor Diffusion Analysis
WVELWind Velocity
WVHQWest Virginia High Quality Stream
WVHTWave Height
WVIWater Valley Interchange
WVKEElk River, West Virginia watershed code

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