Professional Organizations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Professional Organizations terminology and jargon:



WATAWorld Arabic Translators Association
WATBWashington Association of Ticket Brokers
WATESOLWashington Area Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
WAVRMAWAshington Vacation Rental Managers Association
WBAWisconsin Builders Association
WBBAWisconsin Bed and Breakfast Association
WBBAWashington Biotechnology and Biomedical Association
WBDAWisconsin Beer Distributors Association
WBEAWestern Business Education Association
WBGCTAWest Bengal Government College Teachers' Association
WBGETCTAWest Bengal Government Engineering & TeChnological Teachers' Association
WBIDWashington Business Improvement District
WBLAWestside Business Leaders Association
WBLAWharton Business Law Association
WBLNWorld Business Logistics Network
WBMWomen Baby Men
WBMDAWisconsin Biotechnology & Medical Device Association
WBNTWomen Business Networking Team
WBOAWomen Business Owners Alliance
WBOAWestfields Business Owners Association
WBOCWomen's Business Opportunities Connection
WBOCWomen Business Owners Club
WBOEWomen Business Owners Executives
WBONWomen Business Owners Network
WBWWashington Business Women
