Professional Organizations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Professional Organizations terminology and jargon:



WORAWard One Residents Association
WOSSAWashington On-Site Sewage Association
WOTAWashington Occupational Therapy Association
WOTTNIGWole Oyebade Trading and Transport Nigeria Ltd
WOWWay Of Working
WPAWisconsin Pork Association
WPAWestern Provident Association
WPAWorld Psychiatric Association
WPBWWoodstock Professional and Business Women
WPCWorld Pensions Council
WPHAWyoming PHarmacy Association
WPNVWomen Physicians of Northern Virginia
WPRAWähnert Pillokat RechtsAnwaltsgesellschaft, mbH
WRARWill Review And Revert
WRBDWheat Ridge Business District
WREBWestern Regional Examining Board
WREBWinnipeg Real Estate Board
WRHCWestern Regional Honors Council
WRIWire Reinforcement Institute
WRMCAWisconsin Ready Mixed Concrete Association
WRSWork Record sheet
WSAEWashington Society of Association Executives
WSAVAWorld Small Animal Veterinary Association
WSBAWashington State Biomedical Association
WSBOWorld Small Business Organization
