Patents Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Patents & Trademarks terminology and jargon:



UIBMUfficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi (Italian: Italian Patent and Trademark Office)
UNPRUnited Nations Patent Registry
UPCAUnified Patent Court Agreement
USPUnited States Patent
USPCUnited States Patent Classification
USPOUnited States Patent Office
USPOUnited States Patent Offce
USPPUnited States Plant Patent
USPQUnited States Patents Quarterly
USPTOU.S. Patent and Trademark Office
USPTOUnited Stated Patent and Trademark Office
USPTOUnited States Patent and Trademark Office
UTPSUnited Trademark and Patent Services
VPIVisegrad Patent Institute
VTSKVeda T Sudhindra Kumara
WD-40Water Displacement, 40th formula
WHGAWhite Hoe Gets Abortion
WIPOWorld Information and Patents Organisation
WnCWeld n Cut Engineers & Consultant
WPIMWorld Patents Index Markush
WTRWorld Trademark Review
YASAYokeless And Segmented Armature
