Pension Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Pension terminology and jargon:



EPSREmployer Pension Scheme Reference
ERPFEast Riding Pension Fund
ESPSElectricity Supply Pension Scheme
FPPFFirefighters and Police Pension Fund
FPPOFamily Pension Payment Order
FSPPFirefighters Supplementary Pension Plan
FSPSForeign Service Pension System
GEPFGovernment Employees Pension Fund
GEPFGovernment Employee Pension Fund
GEPFGovt Employees Pension Fund
GERFGeneral Employees Retirement Fund
GIPFGovernment Institutions Pension Fund
GPFGovernment Pension Fund
GPIFGovernment Pension Investment Fund
GPPGroup Personal Pension
GPPPGroup Personal Pension Plan
HOOPPHealthcare of Ontario Pension Plan
IGNDPSIndira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme
IGNDPSIndira Gandhi National Disable Pension Scheme
IGNDPSIndira Gandhi National Disabled Pension Scheme
IGNOAPSIndira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme
IOPSInternational Organisation of Pension Supervisors
IPCMInternational Pension Conference of Montreal
IPPIndividual Pension Plan
IPPIndividual Pension Plans
