Physics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Physics terminology and jargon:



NEMSNational Energy Modeling System
NEMSNanoElectroMechanical Systems
NETNext European Torus
NFABNear Field Adaptive Beamforming
NFAHNear Field Acoustic Holography
NFALNear Field Acoustic Levitation
NFAPNano Fountain Active Probe
NGBNew Grain Boundary
NGPNew Generation Physics
NGPENational Graduate Physics Examination
NGSNeither Generation nor Supply
NHNumber of Holes
NHENuclear Hypersensitive Element
NICENuclear Information Compendium Europe
NIGANeutron Induced Gamma Activity
NIMNuclear Interaction Module
NIMPNational Institute of Materials Physics
NIPNegative Interdimensional Plasma
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology
NLNet Light
NLNo Laser
NLCNext Linear Collider
NLDFTnonlocal density functional theory
