Physiology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Physiology terminology and jargon:



WHIHWorld Healing Institute in Hawaii
WHINWisconsin Health Information Network
WHINWestern Healthcare Improvement Network
WHLWorld Hypertension League
WHLEWomen's Healthy Living and Eating
WHLPWomen's Healthy Lifestyle Project
WHMUWhite House Medical Unit
WHNWhole Health Now
WHNWomen's Health Network
WHNEWholeHealth New England
WHNIWomen's HealthNet International
WHOWorld Health Organization
WHOWrist-Hand Orthosis
WHO-PDHWorld Health Organization - Prevention of Deafness and Hearing Impairment
WHPIWayHeart Promotora Institute
WHPUWomen's Health Promotion Unit, Stanford School of Medicine
WHQWomen's Health Questionnaire
WHRWaist Hip Ratio
WHRWorld Health Report
WHRWaist To Hip Ratio
WHRCWomen's Health Rights Coalition
WHRNWomen's Health and Reproductive Nutrition
WHRSWisconsin House Rabbit Society
WHRUWound Healing Research Unit
