Prevention Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Prevention terminology and jargon:



TUPPTobacco Use Prevention Program
UAPAUnlawful Activities Prevention Act
UCAPAUniform Child Abduction Prevention Act
UMIPUser Mode Instruction Prevention
UPRTUpset Prevention and Recovery Training
UPRTUpset Prevention Recovery Training
UVGIUltraviolet germicidal irradiation
VAPOViolation of Abuse Prevention Order
VIPRVisible Intermodal Prevention and Response
VPEViolence Prevention Educators
VPIViolence Prevention Institute
VPRViolence Prevention Response
VPSCViolence Prevention South and Central
VSAPVeteran Suicide Awareness and Prevention
VSAPVeteran Suicide Awareness Prevention
WAPPWATER and AIR Pollution Prevention
WAPPSWater Air Pollution Prevention System
WDPDWorld Drowning Prevention Day
WDPPWater Damage Prevention Plan
WFPCWelfare Fraud Prevention Coordinator
WIDPWireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention
WIPPWarm Up for Injury Prevention and Performance
WIPSWireless Intrusion Prevention System
WIPSWireless Intrusion Prevention Solution
WMPDWaste Management and Prevention Division
