Psychiatry Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Psychiatry terminology and jargon:



IAPAIndo American Psychiatric Association
IAPTImproving Access to Psychological Treatment
ICEIdeas, Concerns and Expectations
ICPEInternational Consortium of Psychiatric Epidemiology
ICPRIntensive Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation
IEDIntermittent explosive disorder
IEIIdiopathic environmental intolerances
IEPAInternational Early Psychosis Association
IFPEInternational Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology
IFSInner Family System
IJCPInternational Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
IJLPInternational Journal of Law and Psychiatry
IMHAIndependent Mental Health Advocate
INPPInternational Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry
IOCDFInternational Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation
IPImpostor Phenomenon
IPACInova Psychiatric Assessment Center
IPACInovas Psychiatric Assessment Center
IPCUIntensive Psychiatric Care Unit
IPFInpatient Psychiatric Facility
IPFInpatient Psychiatric Facilities
IPPIntercultural Psychiatric Program
IPPPInternational Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry
IPSInstitute on Psychiatric Services
ISMIInternalized Stigma of Mental Illness
