Psychology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Psychology terminology and jargon:



DCEPDiplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology
DCPDivision of Clinical Psychology
DDDual Diagnosis
DDDevelopmentally Delayed
DDDDeep Dark Depression
DECAPDoctorate in Educational Child and Adolescent Psychology
DECPDivision of Educational and Child Psychology
DECPDivision of Education Child Psychology
DECPDepartment of Educational and Counselling Psychology
DECPDepartment of Educational and Counseling Psychology
DECPDivision of Education and Child Psychology
DFLDelusional Falsehoods and Lies
DHSMDefault Heterosexual Sado-Masochism
DIDisagreement Index
DICEDeliberate Interpretative Conscious Experience
DIDDissociative Identity Disorder
DILDDream Induced Lucid Dream
DIMHDeviation from Ideal Mental Health
DIPCDiversity In Psychology Committee
DIPRDefence Institute of Psychological Research
DIRDevelopmental Intensive Relationship
DISSUBDIgit Symbol SUBstitution test
DLAMDon't Laugh At Me
DMEPDecision Making and Economic Psychology
DMNDefault Mode Network
