Psychology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Psychology terminology and jargon:



CATSCognitive Ability Test Six
CATSCognitive Activation Theory of Stress
CAWDChronic Alternate World Disorder
CBDICognitive Behavioral Drivers Inventory
CBMSCriminal Behavior Modification Specialist
CBTCognitive-Behavioral Therapy
CCAPSCommission For Counseling And Psychological Services
CCAPSCounseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms
CCCCounselling Code of Conduct
CCDPCouncil of Canadian Departments of Psychology
CCGCCertified Compulsive Gambling Counselor
CCHtCertified Clinical Hypnotherapist
CCIICanadian Critical Incident Inc.
CCPSCenters For Counseling And Psychological Services
CCRCChildren's Creative Response to Conflict
CCSPCounseling Clinical and School Psychology
CCSRChicago Consortium for Stigma Research
CCTCritical and Creative Thinking
CCUCollective Cognitive Unconscious
CDEPCounseling Developmental and Educational Psychology
CDIimmediate recall
CDIPCommittee on Disability Issues in Psychology
CDOPCommittee on Diversity and Outreach in Psychology
CDScode substitution learning
CECPCounselor Education and Counseling Psychology
