Quilting Acronyms

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Quilting terminology and jargon:



SquishyEnvelope filled with swap fabric or gifts sent or received in the mail
STASHSpecial Treasures All Secretly Hidden
SUIShopping Under the Influence
SWANSwap Without A Name
TAFTAThe Australian Forum for Textile Arts
TBQTo Be Quilted
TCKTwin City Knitting
TGIFThank Goodness It's Finished!
TICTriple Irish Chain
TOADTrashed Object Abandoned in Disgust
TQSThe Quilt Show
TUFOTuesday UnFinished Object night
TUKThe Unapologetic Knitter
Turnover6-inch triangle fabrics in a pack
UFOUnFinished Object
USOUnStarted Object
VIPVery Important Project
VQCVirginia Quilting Commercial
VQDVermont Quilt Design
WFQGWings Falls Quilters Guild
WHIMWork Hidden In Mind
WHIMMWork Hidden In My Mind
WISPWork In Slow Progress

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