Religion Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Religion terminology and jargon:



WVZWorld Vision Zimbabwe
WWAHWhy We Are Here
WWAMWomen With A Mission
WWAUWalla Walla Adventist University
WWBWomen Who Believe
WWBCWestWood Baptist Church
WWBMWonderful Word Bible Ministries
WWBMWas Würde Buddha Machen?
WWCAWest Woods Christian Academy
WWCEWeekly Worship and Church Event
WWCGWorldWide Church of God
WWCMWhat Wishes Can't Mend
WWCMWestern Wake Crises Ministry
WWCRWorld Wide Christian Radio
WWCWWorld Wide Christian Web
WWFOWorld Wide Faith Outreach
WWGWalk With God
WWGMWalking With God Ministries
WWGMIWalking With God Ministries International
WWGRWorld Wide Gospel Radio, Inc.
WWHMWest Wichita Homeschool Ministries
WWICWithout Walls International Church
WWIMWord & Worship International Ministries
WWJAWhat Would Jesus Approve?
WWJBWhat Would Jesus Blog?
