Religion Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Religion terminology and jargon:



WWJDWho Would Jesus Date?
WWJDWhat Would Jesus Drive?
WWJDWhat Would Jesus Do?
WWJDWorld Wide Jewish Domination
WWJDWalk With Jesus Daily
WWJEWhat Would Jesus Eat?
WWJFWalking With Jesus Fellowship
WWJGWhere Would Jesus Go?
WWJGWalk With Jesus Gang
WWJMWorld Wide Japanese Ministry
WWJMWalking With Jesus Ministries
WWJSWhat Would Jesus Say?
WWKThe World Will Know
WWLBWhen We Look Back
WWLNThe Way We Live Now
WWMEWorld Wide Marriage Encounter
WWMFWorldWide Mission Fellowship
WWMTWomen to Women Ministry Training
WWNFWonderful Wednesday Night Fellowship
WWOMWorld Wonder Outreach Ministry
WWOWWeekly Words of Wisdom
WWPDWhat Would Paul Do?
WWPNWorld Wide Prayer Network
WWPNWorldWide Pagan Network
WWRBWorld Wide Religious Broadcasters
