Religion Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Religion terminology and jargon:



YMTYouth Ministries Team
YMVYoung Men of Vision
YMVYoung Muslim Voices
YNOPYour Network of Praise (Christian broadcast radio, USA)
YNSYeshiva Nishmat Shlomo
YODOYou Only Die Once
YOGYouth Of Gregory
YOGOYou Obey God Only
YOMOMMAYouth Of Mongolia On Missionary Movements Abroad
YOPYoung Ontario Pagans
YOSOYou're Only Saved Once
YOUTHYoung Outlawz Universally Touching Heaven
YOUTHYoung, Outgoing, United, Truthful, and Humble
YPCYoung People's Congregation
YPCYoung Peacemaker's Club
YPFYoung People's Fellowship
YPMYucitan Presbyterian Ministries
YPMYoung Performing Missionary
YPNYuma Pagan Network
YPSCEYoung People's Society of Christian Endeavour
YRMYahweh's Restoration Ministry
YRMYork Rescue Missions
YRMYale Religious Ministries
YRPYork Religion Police
YRUUYoung Religious Unitarian Universalists
