Religion Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Religion terminology and jargon:



ACCSAmerican Christian College
ACCSAdams County Christian School
ACCSAssociation of Classical Christian Schools
ACCSAncient Christian Commentary on Scripture
ACCUAssociation of Catholic Colleges and Universities
ACCUSAmerican Catholic Church in the United States
ACCWArchdiocese Council of Catholic Women
ACCWAssumption Council of Catholic Women
ACCWAscension Council of Catholic Women
ACCWAlbuquerque Council of Catholic Women
ACCWAscension Catholic Council of Women
ACCWArchdiocesan Council of Catholic Women
ACDAAssociation of Catholic Diocesan Archivists
ACDFArchive of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
ACDNArlington Christian Disaster Network
ACDPAfrican Christian Democratic Party
ACEAfter the Common Era
ACEAccelerated Christian Education
ACEAlliance for Catholic Education
ACEAviation, Communications, and Evangelism
ACEAAlabama Christian Education Association
ACELAssociation of Christian Educators of Louisiana
ACEMAssociation Of Christian Evangelical Ministries
ACFAlliance Christian Fellowship
ACFAustin Christian Fellowship
