Research Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Research terminology and jargon:



AIFRAmerican Institute for Financial Research
AIIMSAll India Institute of Medical Sciences
AIMAction and Investment to defeat Malaria
AIMRAssociation of Investment Management Research
AIMRAdvanced Institute for Materials Research
AIMRAston Institute of Materials Research
AIMSAustralian Institute of Marine Science
AIMSAnaesthesia Incident Monitoring Study
AIMSAbnormal Involuntary Movements Scale
AINAArctic Institute of North America
AIRAnuals Improbable Research
AIRAcademy for Innovation Research
AIRAcademy for Innovation and Research
AIRAssociation for Institutional Research
AIRBAnteater Instruction and Research Building
AIRBAnteater Instruction Research Building
AIRCAnimal Industries Research Committee
AIRCArtificial Intelligence Research Collaboration
AIRCAerospace International Research Center
AIRCAustralian Innovation Research Centre
AIRCArtificial Intelligence Research Center
AIRDAdaptation and Impacts Research Division
AIRDArbonne Institute of Research and Development
AIREArgonaut Inflatable Research and Engineering
AIRFAdvanced Instrumentation Research Facility
