Residential Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Residential terminology and jargon:



1LRResidential Line
AAAdams Arms
AAFAdopt A Family
AARCAfrican American Residential Caucus
AAROAssociation of Americans Resident Overseas
ABCDAsset-Based Community Development
ACMAsbestos Containing Material
ACRCArapahoe County Residential Center
ADROAbu Dhabi Residents Office
AEMPAnti-Eviction Mapping Project
AHBAutomatic Half Barrier
AHCDAssembly Housing and Community Development
AHCLAlmaguin Highlands Community Living
AHEADAscham Homes Evolving And Developing
AHETAsbury Harris Epworth Towers
AHICAlmaguin Highlands Information Centre
AHQRAssociation des Habitants du Quartier du Rhodon
AIRDAppraisal Institute Residential Database
AIRPMAssociate of the Institute of Residential Property Management
AIRSAIDS Interfaith Residential Services
ALRCAssisted Living and Residential Care
ALRPSAssisted Living Resident Profile Survey
AMHRAdvanced Mental Health Resident
AMRPAlarm Management Resident Process
APRCAlien Permanent Resident Certificate
