Residential Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Residential terminology and jargon:



IREIllinois Residential Experience
IREEImproving Residential Energy Efficiency
IRSHDCIndian Residential School History & Dialogue Centre
IRSRCIndian Residential Schools Resolution Canada
IRSRCIndian Residential Schools Reconciliation Canada
IRSRCIndian Residential School Resolution Canada
IRSSInstant Resident Selection System
IRSSIndividual Residential Services Supports
IRSSIndividual Residential Services and Supports
IRSSIndividual Residential Support Services
IRSSSIndian Residential School Survivors Society
IRTIntensive Residential Treatment
IRTCIntensive Residential Treatment Center
IRTFIntensive Residential Treatment Facility
IRTPIntensive Residential Treatment Programs
IRTPIntensive Residential Treatment Program
IRTSIntensive Residential Treatment Services
ISRPIndividually Sponsored Residential Project
JAFFAJewish Accommodation For Fellow Aged
JAGJefferson Apartment Group
JARAJabal Amman Residents Association
JCIRJoint Council of Interns and Residents
JCRAJoshua Creek Residents Association
JRCAJoint Residential Construction Association
JRICJapan Residential Investment Company
