Robotics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Robotics terminology and jargon:



AARLAbilene AI and Robotics Laboratory
ABRBAuto Balanced Robotic Bicycle
ACFRAustralian Centre for Field Robotics
ACRETAmeya Centre for Robotics & Embedded Technology
ACRISAdvanced Computing and Robotic Integrated Systems
ACRVAustralian Centre for Robotic Vision
ACVRAssistive Computer Vision and Robotics
AFRLAutonomous Field Robotics Laboratory
AGSAutomated Guide System
AGVAutomated Guided Vehicle
AGVSAutomated Guided Vehicle Systems
AIBPMArtificial intelligence Business Process Management
AIRRArtificial Intelligence Robotic Racing
AIRSArtificial Intelligence and Robotics Society
ALIENAutonomous Legged Intelligence Exhibiting Navigator
AMBERAdvanced Mechanical Bipedal Experimental Robotics
AMRLAutonomous Mobile Robotics Laboratory
AORTAutomatic Operative Robotic Therapy
APRILAutonomy Perception Robotics Interfaces and Learning
ARBSActivmedia Robotics Basic Suite
ARCAutonomous Robotic Controller
ARCArtificial intelligence, Robotics & Consciousness
ARCLAdvanced Robotics Command Language
ARIAAdvanced Robotics Intelligence Architecture
ARIELArtificial Robotic Intelligent Electronic Life
